Mar 202012
Learn how to Export bookmarks from Firefox 11 and then Import them onto a different Internet Browser or Computer. Setting up your favorites over and over again when you change your computer can be both incredibly frustrating and timeconsuming. In Firefox 11 you can import and export your bookmarks quickly and easily. Follow these simple steps to learn how.
Export Bookmarks Firefox 11
- Open your Mozilla Firefox 11 Internet Browser.
- On the Firefox menu bar click Bookmarks. If you do not see the Bookmarks Menu Tab, press the ALT key on your keyboard and the menu will appear.
- Click on the “Show All Bookmarks” option in the Bookmarks menu. As an alternative, click “CTRL + Shift + B” on your keyboard. A new window will pop up on your desktop, titled “Library”.
- Click on the “ Import and Backup” Drop Menu from the Library Menu Bar located on the top of the window.
- Click on the “Export Data to HTML” option. A new window will open, titled “Export Bookmarks File”.
- Save files onto USB Flash Drives or Portable External Hard Drives. You can also save onto your folders if you’re transferring bookmarks between browsers on the same computer.
Import Bookmarks Firefox 11
- Open your Mozilla Firefox 11 Internet Browser.
- On the Firefox menu bar click Bookmarks. If you do not see the Bookmarks Menu Tab, press the ALT key on your keyboard and the menu will appear.
- Click on the “Show All Bookmarks” option in the Bookmarks menu. As an alternative, click “CTRL + Shift + B” on your keyboard. A new window will pop up on your desktop, titled “Library”.
- Click on the “ Import and Backup” Drop Menu from the Library Menu Bar located on the top of the window.
- Click on the “Import Data from HTML” option. A new window will open, titled “Import Wizard: Import Settings and Data”.
- Click Next.
- Select from your computer your Imported Bookmarks File. The file will then automatically populate the new Internet browser.
Your bookmarks will now appear in your Firefox bookmarks menu. You will have to rearrange them in the order you had in your previous Browser, but other than that you’re set!
Thanks for the great instructions and help on this. You saved me at least a few hours of time!